Replace Text Ribalog - ZRP
Typing 'ZRP' will display the Replace Text Ribalog. You can select the text you want to replace then run the program or, type in the text you would like to search for after opening the ribalog. If you selected an instance of the text you want to replace, the selected text will appear in the "Search For" Edit Box. Type the replacement text in the "Replace With" Edit Box and replace one at a time or, automatically replace all the instances of that text on your drawing. This command works similar to "Replace" in a text editor. Click OK to close the ribalog.
New for Version 4
1) Replace Text can now looks for and replace "Sub" strings meaning it can find strings within strings. Just check the "Sub Strings" check box.
2) Searched can now be done with case sensitivity. Just check the "Match Case" check box.
3) You will see a small button with an "E" on the dialog. Any time the program has "found" a string; you can click this button to edit the text in the Visual CADD text editor rather than having the text replaced with the string you have provided.
4) Replace text will no longer place text strings without characters thus creating zero length entities. So, if you try to replace an entire text string with an empty string, your text line will be set to "erased" in your drawing.
New for Version 8
Replace Text can now work on only selected text entities. Be sure to select the entities you want the tool to work on before typing ZRP.
New for Version 8.6
A new feature for Version 8.6 is the ability to Search for Text Strings and change the Properties (Color, Layer, Line Type and Line Width) of the entities found by the tool. Simply make the settings you want the new entities to change to in the Visual CADD toolbar shown here...
...before you open the Replace Text Ribalog. Once opened, you can then check the "Apply Current Properties" Check Box and when you click the "Replace" or "Replace All" buttons, the properties of the entities you elect to replace will also be changed to the current Visual CADD settings. If you only want to affect the Properties of the entities and not change the Strings that maych your search criteria, simply supply the same text string in the "Replace With" edit box as you have in the "Search For" edit box and your text strings will remain the same but the properties will be changed.
Also, the Replace Text Tool can now find numeric values in Text, Leaders and Dimensions by checking the "Search for Values" check box. When you do this, the "Search For" and "Replace With" Labels get replaced with "Minimum" and Maximum" respectively. When you click "Find First" any entity containing a number between and including those numbers (if one or more exists) will be found and highlighted. Click the "E" button or use the V CADD "ED" 2 Letter Command to edit your text. The "Replace" buttons will be disabled because you cannot replace text automatically becuse of the possiblity of commas in the strings.
Note: The tool evaluates numbers by eliminating the commas in the strings before checking the values.
Created using Helpmatic Pro HTML